News | DEARTO joins hands with Russian customers to create a new chapter in international metrology
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News | DEARTO joins hands with Russian customers to create a new chapter in international metrology

Apr 09.2024

News | DEARTO joins hands with Russian customers to create a new chapter in international metrology


With the company's leap forward development and technological innovation leadership, DEARTO has not only successfuly established itself in the chinese market, butis also actively expanding into the intemational market. DEARTO instruments have been successfuly sold to the Uhited States, taly,france, Spain, srae, Australa,Vietnam, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, indonesia, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Thailand and other countries

On september 14. 2023, customers from Russia visited our company for a three-day on-site visit and studv. Accompanied by General Manager Wang Junlingthe Russian customers visited the company's office to gain an in-depth understanding of the company's corporate culture and various business processes. lrthe production workshop and quality control room,they learned in detal about the company's product information, production processes, and research anddevelopment. The foundation and a complete set of domestic and foreign after-sales service management systems

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